After about a month of learning to code I hit a wall. I was looking at job postings, LinkedIn, and reading a lot of articles. They all seemed to tell me one thing:
You're focusing on the wrong language.
I feel like everyone probably goes through this when they're starting out and it can waste a lot of time and be super confusing. Obviously, it's good to learn more than one language, but when you've never tried any programming before it's important to stick with just one. You first have to nail down WHAT you want to do and then what languages are used in that field.
Search your dream job on Ziprecruiter, Indeed, or Glassdoor and select your experience level, but then take off all the other filters. Look at the job requirements. If you see a language that keeps popping up more than others (javascript, python, java, ruby) that's probably the one that you want to focus on.
Trust this process. This will back you up when you're doubting your choices again. Once you have a language figured out stick with it! If you feel like you have no idea where to begin or what to do next I can help with that too.
One way that I was able to do this was to find a few coding boot camps that I was interested in and then ask if I could get a breakdown of their curriculum structure. None of them had any problem with that and now I had a path to follow. I just started going down the list and learning things in that order.
I hope that this helps anyone that finds themselves feeling lost and doubting their decisions. It's not easy to be in that situation and I feel like everyone probably goes through it. If anyone has any more tips please feel free to leave them in the comments.